Saturday, July 7, 2007

Week 4, Thing 8: RSS and Bloglines

I went to Bloglines and created an account. You can check it out at:

Hopefully that will work. I noticed that some of the instructions linked to on the 23 Things site are outdated or changed on Bloglines.
As for how the library could use this, it seems like we could make a blog for our Hot Titles list and then people could subscribe to get the Hot Titles sent to them. However, it kind of seems like Bloglines is just a really fancy Favorites site. I guess it's good that you don't have to go to each individual site, but your Favorites is a good spot to park sites you go to often.
My Title field isn't accepting entries right now, so maybe I'll be able to go back and edit this post to say that it's for Week 4, Thing 8: RSS and Bloglines

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